Sunday, October 29, 2006

Bokor National Park

On Sunday we travelled to Bokor National Park. I won't have a chance to post our pictures for a while but there are already some pretty dramatic pictures of the ghost town already on the web here.

The Bokor Hill Station was a French resort and casino until 1970 and the Khmer Rouge take over. Now it at the top of an area of incredible jungle vegetation. The real challenge is getting there. The two hour drive to the top is incredibly rugged. The French had built a good road back in the day, but it is almost entirely washed away. We joined a tour group that packed 10 people into the back of a pick-up truck fitted with crude benches along each side. We only had a rope tied along the middle to hold onto. Believe me, I was holding on to that rope! We were getting bounced around so much it is a miracle nobody went flying off the back.

Today, my back, arms and particularly my backside are extremely sore from all the thrashing around. Seeing the spooky history of Bokor is definately worth it but if I was to go again I might consider bringing my own seat cushion!


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