Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Last Day in Kep

Today is our last day in the Kep community. It is hard to believe that we will be leaving first thing in the morning. We have a couple more meetings scheduled for the afternoon with the Director of the Kep Health department and the Director of Social Affairs. We had a productive meeting with the Director of Social Affairs last week and hope to use this meeting to provide a bit of an update on what we found while doing the visits to individual villages. The clear story is that there are a lot of needs but very few easy answers.

We will miss the peace and serenity of the Kep area. Heading into Phnom Pen just in time for the water festival will be a dramatic change of pace. We've been told that the water festival draws millions of Khmers into the city so we are expecting a very noisy stay. With a bit of luck we might see a few of the racing boats that are the main attraction although we will probably miss the race itself.

Now, we are off to our final feast of local seafood with our translators and colleagues.


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